A homeless tramp yelling at every passerby is not high status.
Being a homeless tramp is low status. Said tramp using a social move that constitutes a status grab does not thereby change the principles of social dynamics.
Fact is, yelling can mean anything (an instance of the general rule that anything can mean anything).
Talking with people politely signals respecting them, period.
Period? What happened to your ‘general rule that anything can mean anything’? Is that the kind of fully general counterargument that applies only to your rivals, and not yourself?
What feels natural to you is a fact about you.
Non-sequitur one-upmanship.
You need a better class of friend.
Disingenuous and rude. You are attempting to distort Viliam’s counter-factual illustration into a confession of weak social alliances. That would be untenable as a sincere interpretation of the meaning.
Being a homeless tramp is low status. Said tramp using a social move that constitutes a status grab does not thereby change the principles of social dynamics.
This theory is worse than useless.
Period? What happened to your ‘general rule that anything can mean anything’? Is that the kind of fully general counterargument that applies only to your rivals, and not yourself?
Non-sequitur one-upmanship.
Disingenuous and rude. You are attempting to distort Viliam’s counter-factual illustration into a confession of weak social alliances. That would be untenable as a sincere interpretation of the meaning.