At the moment I don’t find a reputable english source however, I can however elaborate the argument a bit more:
Tea contains both caffeine and theanine.
Theanine relaxes the body and reduces stress while coffeine does the opposite.
If you brew the tea longer than the ratio of caffeine to theanine that gets released changes.
My understanding was that caffeine was dissolved almost immediately, on the first steep or two, and this was a standard recommendation for those who wish to cut down their caffeine consumption—throw out the first steep and drink the others. So the ratio could only be changing in theanine’s favor, which doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
Do you have a citation for this claim?
At the moment I don’t find a reputable english source however, I can however elaborate the argument a bit more:
Tea contains both caffeine and theanine. Theanine relaxes the body and reduces stress while coffeine does the opposite. If you brew the tea longer than the ratio of caffeine to theanine that gets released changes.
My understanding was that caffeine was dissolved almost immediately, on the first steep or two, and this was a standard recommendation for those who wish to cut down their caffeine consumption—throw out the first steep and drink the others. So the ratio could only be changing in theanine’s favor, which doesn’t sound like a bad thing.