I’ll add another supporting quote. Mathematician Niels Henrik Abel says of Gauss : “He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail.”
A counter-example to this sleight-of-hand behavior is Euler. As related by Polya here: https://archive.org/stream/InductionAnd AnalogyIn Mathematics1 #page/n109/mode/2up
I think you can get around the messed-up-link problem in at least two ways. First, write some link text, select it and use the make-a-link button like this. Second, use Markdown: link text in square brackets immediately followed by link URL in parens like this. If I’ve guessed correctly, those should both be links to the Polya thing you were hoping to link to.
[EDITED to add: hmm, first one works (once I fixed a wrong guess at what the URL was meant to be) but second one doesn’t function as a link at all, which I suspect may be a Markdown bug. … And on further investigation, my further attempts at making links with Markdown syntax all fail completely—they don’t even try to turn into links and I have no idea why. This happens not only in this comment but also elsewhere, so it surely isn’t a side-effect of the messed-up link above.]
I’ll add another supporting quote. Mathematician Niels Henrik Abel says of Gauss : “He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail.”
A counter-example to this sleight-of-hand behavior is Euler. As related by Polya here: https://archive.org/stream/InductionAnd AnalogyIn Mathematics1 #page/n109/mode/2up
(markdown bugs up the underscores in my link)
I think you can get around the messed-up-link problem in at least two ways. First, write some link text, select it and use the make-a-link button like this. Second, use Markdown: link text in square brackets immediately followed by link URL in parens like this. If I’ve guessed correctly, those should both be links to the Polya thing you were hoping to link to.
[EDITED to add: hmm, first one works (once I fixed a wrong guess at what the URL was meant to be) but second one doesn’t function as a link at all, which I suspect may be a Markdown bug. … And on further investigation, my further attempts at making links with Markdown syntax all fail completely—they don’t even try to turn into links and I have no idea why. This happens not only in this comment but also elsewhere, so it surely isn’t a side-effect of the messed-up link above.]