x-posted from the lesswrong-dc Google Group. Meetup location is in the courtyard on the first floor, on the other side of an information desk from either entrance.
This week, we’re meeting to give an introduction/overview to the kind of rationalism that is talking about flaws in reasoning and how to be affected by them less. Bring questions! If you’ve been a lurker up till now, or have a friend you’ve been thinking of inviting, consider this me putting out a hand to welcome you in. If you think you might not be “the right kind of person” for whatever reason, you’re explicitly encouraged to try it out.
A note on format: although it’s not uncommon for the meetup topic to be abandoned in favor of whatever seems interesting, this time we will make an effort to keep things on topic.
Meetup : Washington, D.C.: Intro to Rationality
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: Intro to Rationality
WHEN: 05 June 2016 03:00:00PM (-0400)
WHERE: Reynolds Center
x-posted from the lesswrong-dc Google Group. Meetup location is in the courtyard on the first floor, on the other side of an information desk from either entrance.
This week, we’re meeting to give an introduction/overview to the kind of rationalism that is talking about flaws in reasoning and how to be affected by them less. Bring questions! If you’ve been a lurker up till now, or have a friend you’ve been thinking of inviting, consider this me putting out a hand to welcome you in. If you think you might not be “the right kind of person” for whatever reason, you’re explicitly encouraged to try it out.
A note on format: although it’s not uncommon for the meetup topic to be abandoned in favor of whatever seems interesting, this time we will make an effort to keep things on topic.
Upcoming meetups:
Jun. 12: Fun & Games
Jun. 19: History of Science Fiction Fandom
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: Intro to Rationality