WHERE:Humanist House%2C 10 Shepherd St Chippendale
To add to our monthly discussion dinner meetups, and the social meetups, we’re now trialling a rationality dojo meetup. This will be different from the existing meetup in that it will have a stronger focus on one person leading a discussion and exercises related to a particular rationality skill, and less on group discussions.
We’ll be finishing up at 6 on the Sunday. Those who need to go home afterwards are welcome to leave then, but I’d love it if people wanted to go get dinner together afterwards.
Meetup : LW Sydney Rationality Dojo—Agency
Discussion article for the meetup : LW Sydney Rationality Dojo—Agency
WHEN: 06 July 2014 04:00:00PM (+1000)
WHERE: Humanist House%2C 10 Shepherd St Chippendale
To add to our monthly discussion dinner meetups, and the social meetups, we’re now trialling a rationality dojo meetup. This will be different from the existing meetup in that it will have a stronger focus on one person leading a discussion and exercises related to a particular rationality skill, and less on group discussions.
We’ll be finishing up at 6 on the Sunday. Those who need to go home afterwards are welcome to leave then, but I’d love it if people wanted to go get dinner together afterwards.
Discussion article for the meetup : LW Sydney Rationality Dojo—Agency