I have some light, continuous medical expenses, so making certain of my healthcare is fairly important to me. If my current healthcare costs are absorbed by my taxes, I won’t be changing expenses much, as far as tax and medical goes.
Doctor’s visits, surgery, emergencies and the like are free at the point of use. Prescriptions on the other hand, are usually a fixed price (at the moment £8.05, you might be able to get a low-earner discount though) if you’re in England (Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland are free). Other things like dentistry and opticians have their own separate rules.
Doctor’s visits, surgery, emergencies and the like are free at the point of use. Prescriptions on the other hand, are usually a fixed price (at the moment £8.05, you might be able to get a low-earner discount though) if you’re in England (Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland are free). Other things like dentistry and opticians have their own separate rules.
Prescription is my concern so that’s what I needed to know about. Thanks for the info and the link.