I suppose “minimax policy” is a shortcut for “assume that your human partner is a complete idiot just clicking things randomly or worse; choose the course of action that prevents them from causing the worst possible disaster; if you afterwards still have some time and energy left, use them to gain some extra points”.
I welcome our condescending AI overlords, because they are probably the best we can realistically hope for.
That’s what a minimax policy would be in a collaborative game, but I was talking about a competitive game. There, a minimax policy corresponds to assuming that your human opponent is perfectly optimal.
I suppose “minimax policy” is a shortcut for “assume that your human partner is a complete idiot just clicking things randomly or worse; choose the course of action that prevents them from causing the worst possible disaster; if you afterwards still have some time and energy left, use them to gain some extra points”.
I welcome our condescending AI overlords, because they are probably the best we can realistically hope for.
That’s what a minimax policy would be in a collaborative game, but I was talking about a competitive game. There, a minimax policy corresponds to assuming that your human opponent is perfectly optimal.