A creature that loves solitude might not necessarily be bad to create. But it would still be good to give it capacity for sympathy for pragmatic reasons, to ensure that if it ever did meet another creature it would want to treat it kindly and avoid harming it.
Fair enough, though at the level of omnipotence we’re supposing, there would be no chance meetups. You might as well just isolate the creature and be done with it.
A creature with no concept of boredom would would, (to paraphrase Eliezer), “play the same screen of the same level of the same fun videogame over and over again.”
Or it would do it once, and then die happy. Human-like entities might have a lifespan of centuries, and then you would have ephemeral beings living their own limited fantasy for thirty seconds. I mean, why not? We are all bound to repeat ourselves once our interests are exhausted—perhaps entities could be made to embrace death when that happens.
Yes, I concede that if there is a sufficient quantity of creatures with humane values, it might be good to create other types of creatures for variety’s sake. However, such creatures could be potentially dangerous, we’d have to be very careful.
I agree, though an entity with the power to choose the kind of creatures that come to exist probably wouldn’t have much difficulty doing it safely.
Fair enough, though at the level of omnipotence we’re supposing, there would be no chance meetups. You might as well just isolate the creature and be done with it.
Or it would do it once, and then die happy. Human-like entities might have a lifespan of centuries, and then you would have ephemeral beings living their own limited fantasy for thirty seconds. I mean, why not? We are all bound to repeat ourselves once our interests are exhausted—perhaps entities could be made to embrace death when that happens.
I agree, though an entity with the power to choose the kind of creatures that come to exist probably wouldn’t have much difficulty doing it safely.