That mostly works for neutral-ish behaviours. “Never say this word” or “wear this funny hat” or even some more onerous undertakings are not a big cost compared to the advantages of being in a community. The prisoner example is flawed because it replaces the neutral tradition with active torture and the community with a bunch of isolated people that are forced to stay in their cells anyway. It’s not like they gain any benefits from sticking with the community—nor like they could leave anyway.
That mostly works for neutral-ish behaviours. “Never say this word” or “wear this funny hat” or even some more onerous undertakings are not a big cost compared to the advantages of being in a community. The prisoner example is flawed because it replaces the neutral tradition with active torture and the community with a bunch of isolated people that are forced to stay in their cells anyway. It’s not like they gain any benefits from sticking with the community—nor like they could leave anyway.