I don’t think that would be yield much insight. I’m more interested in the dynamics of mistrust, especially as an obstacle to collective intelligence. And although the NSA scandal provides some rich material for thinking about that, I have refrained from bringing it up because I too have, perhaps falsely, perceived LW as a place where political topics are sniffed at.
If “everything that can be destroyed by the truth should be”, why aren’t we discussing Edward Snowden?
In what context? As an example of agency/heroic responsibility?
I don’t think that would be yield much insight. I’m more interested in the dynamics of mistrust, especially as an obstacle to collective intelligence. And although the NSA scandal provides some rich material for thinking about that, I have refrained from bringing it up because I too have, perhaps falsely, perceived LW as a place where political topics are sniffed at.
I think Charlie Stross knocked that one out of the park. (Longer version, login-walled.)