Right, so as ArisKatsaris says: calling something crazy without an argument is a status game. I suspect if you actually dived into the issues themselves you wouldn’t be that far away from even the most reactionary people on this site. I don’t think anyone here doesn’t believe in evolution. I don’t think anyone has strong moral issues with homosexuality—though you might hear some descriptive analyses of the cause and nature of homosexuality you might not like. “global warming being a thing” is trickier: since there are several sub-claims within it. Plus, this is a place where people like to question scientists. I mean, there is no way there aren’t large minorities here who disagree with scientific consensuses in nutrition science, pharmacology and psychology. Climate science needn’t be special.
But the issue is that you’re not actually arguing these points, you’re just waving a flag. You can tell just by the way you phrased them: “global warming being a thing” , “boys kissing being okay”. It shuts down discussion about these issues because you’ve construed them such that anyone who wants to, say, question the widespread hyperbole when Democrats discuss global warming or talk about how homosexuality can’t possibly be genetic now has to take a status hit as a result of taking the side you’ve construed has “crazy”.
Right, so as ArisKatsaris says: calling something crazy without an argument is a status game. I suspect if you actually dived into the issues themselves you wouldn’t be that far away from even the most reactionary people on this site. I don’t think anyone here doesn’t believe in evolution. I don’t think anyone has strong moral issues with homosexuality—though you might hear some descriptive analyses of the cause and nature of homosexuality you might not like. “global warming being a thing” is trickier: since there are several sub-claims within it. Plus, this is a place where people like to question scientists. I mean, there is no way there aren’t large minorities here who disagree with scientific consensuses in nutrition science, pharmacology and psychology. Climate science needn’t be special.
But the issue is that you’re not actually arguing these points, you’re just waving a flag. You can tell just by the way you phrased them: “global warming being a thing” , “boys kissing being okay”. It shuts down discussion about these issues because you’ve construed them such that anyone who wants to, say, question the widespread hyperbole when Democrats discuss global warming or talk about how homosexuality can’t possibly be genetic now has to take a status hit as a result of taking the side you’ve construed has “crazy”.