I would save the drunk friend (unless I had some kind of special knowledge, such as that the friend got drunk in order to enable him or herself to go through with a plan to indulge a considered and stable sober desire for death). In the case of the depressed friend, I’d want to refer to my best available knowledge of what that friend would have said about the situation prior to acquiring the neurotransmitter imbalance, and act accordingly.
My point was that you used “you won’t regret it” as a point in favor of wireheading, whereas it does not serve as a point in favor of death.
Can you check the thread of this comment:
and let me know what your response to that thread is?
I would save the drunk friend (unless I had some kind of special knowledge, such as that the friend got drunk in order to enable him or herself to go through with a plan to indulge a considered and stable sober desire for death). In the case of the depressed friend, I’d want to refer to my best available knowledge of what that friend would have said about the situation prior to acquiring the neurotransmitter imbalance, and act accordingly.