and sometimes towards the perceived enemies of male introverts (including women and socially successful men).
You speak as if “introverted” and “socially successful” are mutually exclusive. The latter is a vague ill-defined concept, anyway.
You speak as if “introverted” and “socially successful” are mutually exclusive
Good point. It is shyness that is more reliably exclusive with social success.
he latter is a vague ill-defined concept, anyway.
Not vague enough that it would weaken the point. It refers to a usually well understood property of the human experience.
You speak as if “introverted” and “socially successful” are mutually exclusive. The latter is a vague ill-defined concept, anyway.
Good point. It is shyness that is more reliably exclusive with social success.
Not vague enough that it would weaken the point. It refers to a usually well understood property of the human experience.