We can posit that the total amount of measure in the universe(s) is arbitrarily high, given an arbitrary long amount of time for the measure to grow (the usual “unbelievably longer than the total age of the universe raised to the power of the number of particles in the universe, etc...”)
And since quantum mechanics cares about relative measure of different observations, we could also posit that total measure is infinite.
We could not have an infinite pool of measure to draw on, because if total measure was infinite, then any finite pieces could not interact without breaking linearity.
And, again, just because you can double the total amount of measure in your representation, doesn’t mean that this number is physically meaningful. If the number was arbitrary to begin with, there’s no reason to assume that changing it is meaningful.
We could not have an infinite pool of measure to draw on, because if total measure was infinite, then any finite pieces could not interact without breaking linearity.
Can you explain?
And, again, just because you can double the total amount of measure in your representation, doesn’t mean that this number is physically meaningful. If the number was arbitrary to begin with, there’s no reason to assume that changing it is meaningful.
But you’re doubling the total amount of measure relative to the total measure of the rest of the universe, a change that is non-arbitrary for many decision theories.
Suppose I start with a big blob of measure in a boring universe, that is slowly turning into universes like ours. Linearity says that the the rate at which universes like ours appear is proportional to how big the big blob of measure is.
In fact, this is crucial to calling it “measure” rather than just “that number in quantum mechanics.”
So if the rate of universes like our appearing is proportional to the size of the original blob, as we make the size of the original blob infinite, we also make the rate of universes like ours appearing infinite. We cannot have a finite number of universes like ours, but an infinite blob of measure turning into them—we can only have a proportionally smaller infinite amount of universes like ours. This requirement gives us back our old limitations about eventually running into a maximum.
We can posit that the total amount of measure in the universe(s) is arbitrarily high, given an arbitrary long amount of time for the measure to grow (the usual “unbelievably longer than the total age of the universe raised to the power of the number of particles in the universe, etc...”)
And since quantum mechanics cares about relative measure of different observations, we could also posit that total measure is infinite.
We could not have an infinite pool of measure to draw on, because if total measure was infinite, then any finite pieces could not interact without breaking linearity.
And, again, just because you can double the total amount of measure in your representation, doesn’t mean that this number is physically meaningful. If the number was arbitrary to begin with, there’s no reason to assume that changing it is meaningful.
Can you explain?
But you’re doubling the total amount of measure relative to the total measure of the rest of the universe, a change that is non-arbitrary for many decision theories.
Suppose I start with a big blob of measure in a boring universe, that is slowly turning into universes like ours. Linearity says that the the rate at which universes like ours appear is proportional to how big the big blob of measure is.
In fact, this is crucial to calling it “measure” rather than just “that number in quantum mechanics.”
So if the rate of universes like our appearing is proportional to the size of the original blob, as we make the size of the original blob infinite, we also make the rate of universes like ours appearing infinite. We cannot have a finite number of universes like ours, but an infinite blob of measure turning into them—we can only have a proportionally smaller infinite amount of universes like ours. This requirement gives us back our old limitations about eventually running into a maximum.