If your genie is using your vocal emissions as information toward the deduction of your extrapolated volition, then I’d say your situation is good.
Your problems start if it works more by attempting to extract a predicate from your sentence by matching vocal signals against known syntax and dictionaries, and output an action that maximises the probability of that predicate being true with respect to reality.
To put it simply, I think that “understanding what we mean” is really a complicated notion that involves knowing what constitutes true desires (as opposed to, say, akrasia), and of course having a goal system that actually attempts to realize those desires.
If your genie is using your vocal emissions as information toward the deduction of your extrapolated volition, then I’d say your situation is good.
Your problems start if it works more by attempting to extract a predicate from your sentence by matching vocal signals against known syntax and dictionaries, and output an action that maximises the probability of that predicate being true with respect to reality.
To put it simply, I think that “understanding what we mean” is really a complicated notion that involves knowing what constitutes true desires (as opposed to, say, akrasia), and of course having a goal system that actually attempts to realize those desires.