The first, well, anyone raising a concern is going to have that.
Numbers 2 and 3 (religious problem-solving, seekership) are right out.
Number 4 (turning point), okay.
Number 5 (formation of affective bonds)… I dunno, maaybe? I mean, you can’t really blame a group for people liking it. I think this was meant way more strongly than we have here.
Number 6 Neutralization of external attachments? Absolutely not.
You didn’t name the seventh, unless it’s the deprivation, which again… no.
So, arguably 3 out of seven, of which 2 are so common as to be kind of silly, and one of those was a major stretch. Whee.
The first, well, anyone raising a concern is going to have that.
Numbers 2 and 3 (religious problem-solving, seekership) are right out.
Number 4 (turning point), okay.
Number 5 (formation of affective bonds)… I dunno, maaybe? I mean, you can’t really blame a group for people liking it. I think this was meant way more strongly than we have here.
Number 6 Neutralization of external attachments? Absolutely not.
You didn’t name the seventh, unless it’s the deprivation, which again… no.
So, arguably 3 out of seven, of which 2 are so common as to be kind of silly, and one of those was a major stretch. Whee.