The post was triggered by a private message from someone, so unfortunately I can’t link to it.
Anywho, is the main idea of this post “this other bad stuff is similarly bad, and SI could be doing similar amounts to reduce the risk of these bad things?”
Not quite. I’m saying there are a bunch of Singularity-related risks that aren’t AI risks, and a bunch of Singularity-related opportunities that aren’t AI opportunities. The AI-related opportunities affect the non-AI risks, and the non-AI opportunities affect the AI risks. (For example successfully building FAI would prevent war as much as it prevents UFAI.) We shouldn’t be thinking just about AI risks and opportunities at this point, or giving the impression that we are.
The post was triggered by a private message from someone, so unfortunately I can’t link to it.
Not quite. I’m saying there are a bunch of Singularity-related risks that aren’t AI risks, and a bunch of Singularity-related opportunities that aren’t AI opportunities. The AI-related opportunities affect the non-AI risks, and the non-AI opportunities affect the AI risks. (For example successfully building FAI would prevent war as much as it prevents UFAI.) We shouldn’t be thinking just about AI risks and opportunities at this point, or giving the impression that we are.