Alone, wandering the endless hallways of this massive temple of healing.
Feels empty and eerily quiet, and yet I know there are 100’s of people around, most sleeping, some watching, a few dying, and close by someone being born.
Yesterday feels like ages ago, orbiting Saturn on morphine, billions of miles away from the excruciating pain that brought me here.
The daze is gone, and so is the morphine induced migraine, I feel fine, great even, and guilty.
But home I may not go, so I wander these deserted hallways, pondering the future, will it be there for my kids?
Alone, wandering the endless hallways of this massive temple of healing.
Feels empty and eerily quiet, and yet I know there are 100’s of people around, most sleeping, some watching, a few dying, and close by someone being born.
Yesterday feels like ages ago, orbiting Saturn on morphine, billions of miles away from the excruciating pain that brought me here.
The daze is gone, and so is the morphine induced migraine, I feel fine, great even, and guilty.
But home I may not go, so I wander these deserted hallways, pondering the future, will it be there for my kids?