Ideas from recent discussion regarding changes to the karma system and/or addition of new sections:
[in progress]
Make downvotes cost some of the downvoter’s karma. (h/t RichardKennaway and Houshalter) [pollid:997]
Only allow users with a certain amount of karma to downvote. (The actual amount can be worked out later.) (h/t ete and Houshalter) [pollid:998]
Create a new and separate from Main and Discussion section with either no karma, like the SSC discussions, or only upvotes, like Tumblr, Facebook and other social media services used by rationalists. [pollid:999]
Create a new section for links to interesting posts on external rationalist blogs. (h/t Houshalter) [I apologize for the overlap with the previous poll; I found this idea only after I’d made it.] [pollid:1001]
Keep the same upvote/downvote system for individual comments and posts, but don’t keep a total karma score for each user on their user page. Alternatively, keep a total karma score, but don’t keep a total percent-positive score. (I believe the EA forum uses the former system, and Reddit the latter, but please correct me if I’m wrong about this.) [pollid:1006]
True, but that’s only from a very limited number of sources (~4?); it doesn’t include the dozens of smaller blogs. It’s also a straight feed—no filtering out of housekeeping, meta posts, etc.--and it only shows 5 links which are quickly pushed aside by newer ones, while a section for links would keep all of them accessible and searchable.
Ideas from recent discussion regarding changes to the karma system and/or addition of new sections:
[in progress]
Make downvotes cost some of the downvoter’s karma. (h/t RichardKennaway and Houshalter) [pollid:997]
Only allow users with a certain amount of karma to downvote. (The actual amount can be worked out later.) (h/t ete and Houshalter) [pollid:998]
Create a new and separate from Main and Discussion section with either no karma, like the SSC discussions, or only upvotes, like Tumblr, Facebook and other social media services used by rationalists. [pollid:999]
Create a new section for links to interesting posts on external rationalist blogs. (h/t Houshalter) [I apologize for the overlap with the previous poll; I found this idea only after I’d made it.] [pollid:1001]
Keep the same upvote/downvote system for individual comments and posts, but don’t keep a total karma score for each user on their user page. Alternatively, keep a total karma score, but don’t keep a total percent-positive score. (I believe the EA forum uses the former system, and Reddit the latter, but please correct me if I’m wrong about this.) [pollid:1006]
There already is ‘recently on rationality blogs’
True, but that’s only from a very limited number of sources (~4?); it doesn’t include the dozens of smaller blogs. It’s also a straight feed—no filtering out of housekeeping, meta posts, etc.--and it only shows 5 links which are quickly pushed aside by newer ones, while a section for links would keep all of them accessible and searchable.