This is the second shortform I’ve ever written, both in the space of a few days, and it’s also the second one to be me asking for advice about an issue I have. I guess I should start making more useful contributions next time ;)
Anyway, at least it won’t be a long post: I’ve reasons to believe that my neuroticism — as in, the Big Five personality trait of that name — is really super high. I also have reasons to believe that’s because I’m ‘on the spectrum’ or something, but that specific point is less relevant. What I’m interested in is, I could be happier with my life if I weren’t constantly angered by small things, and not being mad at everyone and everything would let me make better choices, avoiding opportunities for being depressed and brooding over stuff, thereby becoming even more depressed (etc., etc.) later on. However, it seems like everything I’ve seen on the topic was either not easily actionable advice, or, more often, wasn’t actually so much about neuroticism as about the mental illnesses that may go with it. Rationality has been, and still is, a huge help in dealing with that, as well as in understanding my own thought process more generally. In fact, that’s what I’ve found the most helpful to date. But, same thing, I’ve never seen anything here that was specifically about neuroticism, even though it seems like it could be useful to people in general — and to me as well :) Hence the question: what do other very neurotic folks here do to be happy in spite of it?
This is the second shortform I’ve ever written, both in the space of a few days, and it’s also the second one to be me asking for advice about an issue I have. I guess I should start making more useful contributions next time ;)
Anyway, at least it won’t be a long post: I’ve reasons to believe that my neuroticism — as in, the Big Five personality trait of that name — is really super high. I also have reasons to believe that’s because I’m ‘on the spectrum’ or something, but that specific point is less relevant. What I’m interested in is, I could be happier with my life if I weren’t constantly angered by small things, and not being mad at everyone and everything would let me make better choices, avoiding opportunities for being depressed and brooding over stuff, thereby becoming even more depressed (etc., etc.) later on. However, it seems like everything I’ve seen on the topic was either not easily actionable advice, or, more often, wasn’t actually so much about neuroticism as about the mental illnesses that may go with it. Rationality has been, and still is, a huge help in dealing with that, as well as in understanding my own thought process more generally. In fact, that’s what I’ve found the most helpful to date. But, same thing, I’ve never seen anything here that was specifically about neuroticism, even though it seems like it could be useful to people in general — and to me as well :) Hence the question: what do other very neurotic folks here do to be happy in spite of it?