The reporter could of course change that! In at least this case, they could commit to giving the ‘expert’ in question a chance to review the quotes to be used, and if not satisfied with the context let them ask to remove them, or something like that. Unless trust is so botched that even that offer wouldn’t be credible.
Yes, individual reporters have a lot of room. An individual reporter also has to write more then a single article on COVID-19.
At the start the reporter would go to on expert that’s willing to speak with him. Then he can make sure that the expert is happy with the interaction. In addition to reviewing quotes the reporter might even sent them the full article before publication to review.
Then after publishing the article they might ask the expert to tweet it while saying that the expert feels well represented. Afterwards the reporter can both ask the same expert again for another COVID-19 article, they can also refer back to the old article and the tweet saying that the expert felt well represented.
Good reporters build relationships with sources of expertise.
This was an important ‘discovery’ I made after I started reading news mostly thru a feed reader – there is a huge variance in quality among reports/journalists and there’s basically no information in terms of reputation of outlets.
Yes, individual reporters have a lot of room. An individual reporter also has to write more then a single article on COVID-19.
At the start the reporter would go to on expert that’s willing to speak with him. Then he can make sure that the expert is happy with the interaction. In addition to reviewing quotes the reporter might even sent them the full article before publication to review.
Then after publishing the article they might ask the expert to tweet it while saying that the expert feels well represented. Afterwards the reporter can both ask the same expert again for another COVID-19 article, they can also refer back to the old article and the tweet saying that the expert felt well represented.
Good reporters build relationships with sources of expertise.
This was an important ‘discovery’ I made after I started reading news mostly thru a feed reader – there is a huge variance in quality among reports/journalists and there’s basically no information in terms of reputation of outlets.