Minicamp, no, because it was so skills-focused. There was a real sense that we could apply the skills to any goals that seemed interesting to us. Meetups, yes. Many of the meetups I’ve been to have involved praise competitions, i.e., let’s see who can all suck up to the SIAI more intelligently.
Did you get the same bristling in live communication (minicamp/meetups)?
Minicamp, no, because it was so skills-focused. There was a real sense that we could apply the skills to any goals that seemed interesting to us. Meetups, yes. Many of the meetups I’ve been to have involved praise competitions, i.e., let’s see who can all suck up to the SIAI more intelligently.
Really? Huh. I’ve now gone to ~10 meetups in 5 geographic areas, and the only one that might have fit that description (although I don’t think it did) was the very first Overcoming Bias meetup in the Bay Area.
It would probably be rude for me to ask which meetups felt that way to you.