My experience with Amazon cloud has been rather positive. Very much unlike my experience with live sysadmins, who are all terrible human beings by nature of their job. I’d really rather not go off the cloud ever.
I’ve heard the data point several times before in different contexts, so minimal updating required.
As far as I can tell, it comes down to different incentives. End users have the goal structure G* (most closely aligned with the actual business), developers have Q*, sysadmins have D*, and none of them are well aligned with each other.
My experience with Amazon cloud has been rather positive. Very much unlike my experience with live sysadmins, who are all terrible human beings by nature of their job. I’d really rather not go off the cloud ever.
I don’t think I’m a terrible human being, on or off the job.
I’m sorry, but you have to update that belief now. :)
I’ve heard the data point several times before in different contexts, so minimal updating required.
As far as I can tell, it comes down to different incentives. End users have the goal structure G* (most closely aligned with the actual business), developers have Q*, sysadmins have D*, and none of them are well aligned with each other.
I hadn’t heard it. I wasn’t aware that some people were prejudiced against sysadmins.