WHERE:Parker and Otis, 112 S Duke St, Durham NC 27701
We’ll be discussing Harry Potter and the Methods of Methods of Rationality, chapters 8-11.
While we encourage everyone to read the chapters in question, please feel free to come even if you haven’t. We’ll summarize the main points of the chapters as we discuss them.
Meetup : Durham HPMoR Discussion group
Discussion article for the meetup : Durham HPMoR Discussion group
WHEN: 20 October 2012 11:00:00AM (-0400)
WHERE: Parker and Otis, 112 S Duke St, Durham NC 27701
We’ll be discussing Harry Potter and the Methods of Methods of Rationality, chapters 8-11.
While we encourage everyone to read the chapters in question, please feel free to come even if you haven’t. We’ll summarize the main points of the chapters as we discuss them.
Discussion article for the meetup : Durham HPMoR Discussion group