From the discussion on Yvain’s blog of a recent meta-analysis trying to compare simple reaction times from Galton to now, I learned that apparently consumer computers have serious issues with displaying images and recording timings down to the ms precision and that one has to configure a setup specifically for the task to compete accuracy-wise with special-purpose reaction-time gear.
Thanks! Yeah, exactly what button is pressed under what conditions is one of the major bug reports I’ve collected for future research attempts.
From the discussion on Yvain’s blog of a recent meta-analysis trying to compare simple reaction times from Galton to now, I learned that apparently consumer computers have serious issues with displaying images and recording timings down to the ms precision and that one has to configure a setup specifically for the task to compete accuracy-wise with special-purpose reaction-time gear.
John Carmack, in video game / VR contexts, has some interesting writings; here’s two: