I’m not sure. I think being able to model the computer’s actions in your head is something of a requirement to be a good programmer. If people who use (a hypothetical completed) subtext learn to do that more rapidly, then great. If instead they learn to just barely cobble something together without really understanding what is going on, I think that would be a net negative (I don’t want those people writing my bank’s software). I’m not sure which is the likely outcome.
Or maybe I’m conflicted because I am a computer programmer, and subconsciously either don’t want more competition or feel that anyone learning programming should have to put as much effort into it as I did.
But actually, if you managed to write a crappy life simulator, you can probably be a programmer. It takes practice to be good, like anything else. But if you don’t enjoy the process of practicing at programming (it sounds like you don’t), then you probably wouldn’t enjoy being a programmer, either.
If people who use (a hypothetical completed) subtext learn to do that more rapidly, then great. If instead they learn to just barely cobble something together without really understanding what is going on, I think that would be a net negative (I don’t want those people writing my bank’s software).
Programming languages that make programming easier are a good goal. Problem is, there are too many languages that make programming of simple programs easier, and programming of complex programs more difficult. The language is optimized for doing a specific set of tasks, and if you walk outside that set, you are damned. (Although the authors will assure you that everything can be done by their language, it’s just a bit inconvenient.)
Things appealing to beginning programmers are often appealing for the wrong reasons. For example “you don’t have to write semicolons after each statements” or “you don’t have to declare variables”. Ouch! I agree that not having to write semicolons is convenient, but at the same time I think “if having to write a semicolon after each statement is such a big deal for you, I can’t imagine you as a successful programmer”, because although writing semicolons is boring task, cognitively it’s trivial; it can make people annoyed, but it can’t stop them from being able to program. If someone is not able to remember that each statement must be followed by a semicolon, I can’t imagine them doing anything non-trivial.
With visual languages it’s probably similar. Painting a simple loop as a picture makes it more transparent. Painting the whole algorithm, not so much. Only if we split the code into simple functions (which is anyway the right thing to do). But then we have to give names to those functions, and we are gradually switching back from the picture mode to the text mode.
But actually, if you managed to write a crappy life simulator, you can probably be a programmer.
Assuming it was not written in a visual programming language optimized for creating life-like simulators, nor it was created by a wizard for creating life-like simulators, I agree.
That’s the danger of many “easy” programming languages. They make only one specific task easy, and then use it as a proof that they made programming easy. Nope, they only made programming of that one specific task easy.
Problem is, there are too many languages that make programming of simple programs easier, and programming of complex programs more difficult.
Agreed. But this problem can be avoided by embedding such domain-specific languages inside a general-purpose language. Then writing simple programs (for some definition of “simple”) is still fairly easy, because the DSL can be implemented with a one-time cost in complexity. However, coding complex programs is still feasible.
Visual representations of programs are interesting in their own right, because they allow reasoning about some program properties in very intuitive ways (depending on the representation, this may be syntax, data flow, control flow, data representation, etc.). However, it is probably the case that there is no single “best” visual representation for programs, and thus no such thing as a one-size-fits-all “visual programming language”.
Or by making a really convenient DSL factory. The only use for your “general purpose” language would be to write DSLs. A bit extreme, but it shows somepromise. Current results suggest this approach uses 3 orders of magnitude less code than current systems —possibly even less.
[…] although writing semicolons is boring task, cognitively it’s trivial; it can make people annoyed, but it can’t stop them from being able to program.
The effects of such visual flowering is greater than one might think, especially on beginners. Once you grok the concept of instruction, block, and nesting, you barely see the curly brackets (or the “begin” and “end” keyword) and the semicolons. A bit like a Lisp programmer that don’t “see” the parentheses any more.
Beginners are more sensitive. The cognitive load you call trivial is probably significant to them, because they still think in ACII instead of AST. In the ASCII world, a semicolon or a bracket takes about as cognitively loaded as any other keyword. Indentation, not so much.
Now one could see it as a test. I wonder if the ability to think through unhelpful syntax would be a good predictor of future success?
Beginners are more sensitive. The cognitive load you call trivial is probably significant to them, because they still think in ACII instead of AST. In the ASCII world, a semicolon or a bracket takes about as cognitively loaded as any other keyword. Indentation, not so much.
I hate writing “begin” and “end” in Pascal, because these words take too much of the screen space, and also visually pattern-match with identifiers. I think Pascal would be 50% more legible if it replaced “begin” and “end” with curly brackets. So I guess removing the semicolons and curly brackets is also an improvement in legibility.
Still, maybe the beginners are trying to move forward too fast. Maybe a lot of problems come from trying to run before one is able to walk reliably. When children learn mathematics, they have to solve dozens of “2+3=?” problems before they move to something more complex. When learning programming, students should also solve dozens of one-line or two-line problems before they move on. But there is often not enough time in the curriculum.
There are a few obvious answers: One is to simply not allow multiple statements on the same visual line (even if they are closely related and idiomatic). Another is to define the semicolon (or equivalent) as a separator, with the side effect that you can no longer have a single statement split across multiple visual lines. Another is to, along with the ‘separator’ solution, add an additional symbol for splitting long statements across multiple visual lines—as in earlier Visual Basic. And yet another option is to have a separator and “guess” whether they meant a line break to end a statement or not—as in Javascript and modern Visual Basic.
You can also mix approaches: optional semicolons, but use indentation to guess if it’s the same instruction or not. That way:
// 3 instructions
blah; blah
// 2 instructions
blah blah
// 1 instruction (indentation is significant!)
blah blah
// This one is tricky. Id' say syntax error, or a warning
blah; blah
// This looks better, more obvious to me: 2 instructions
blah; blah
// Alternatively, this one may also count for 2 instructions
blah; blah
// begin of a new block
appropriate_keyword blah blah
// end of a block (one instruction in the inner block,
one instruction in the outer block).
// 2 instructions (but frankly, I'd provide a warning for the superfluous ";")
This should be flexible enough and unambiguous enough.
In Python, you are supposed to write a colon before you start a block, right?
So the rules can be rather simple:
colon, with indentation = start of a new block
colon, no indentation = an empty block (or a syntax error)
no colon, with indentation = continuing of the previous line
no colon, no indentation = next statement
semicolon = statement boundary
Block ends where the indentation returns to the level of the line that opened the block. Continued line ends when indentation returns to the level of the starting line. (Where “to the level” = to the level, or below the level.)
I spent a lot of time thinking about this, and now it seems to me that this is a wrong question. The right question is: “how to make the best legible language?” Maybe it will require some changes to the concept of “statement”.
Why one statement plus one statement makes two statements, but one expression plus one expression makes one expression; why “x=1; y=1;” is two units, but “(x == 1) && (y == 1)” is one unit? What happens if a statement is a part of an expression, in an inline anonymous function? Where should we place semicolons or line breaks then?
Sorry, I don’t have a good answer. As a half-good answer, I would go with the early VB syntax: the rule is unambiguous (unlike some JavaScript rules), and it requires a special symbol in a special situation (as opposed to using a special symbol in non-special situation).
Another half-good answer: use four-space tabs for “this is the next statement” and a half-tab (two spaces) for “here continues the previous line”. (If the statement has more than two lines, all the lines except the first one are aligned the same; the half-tabs don’t accumulate.)
Why one statement plus one statement makes two statements, but one expression plus one expression makes one expression; why “x=1; y=1;” is two units, but “(x == 1) && (y == 1)” is one unit?
Because a statement is the fundamental unit of an imperative language. If “x=1; y=1;” were one unit, it would be one statement. Technically, on another level, multiple statements enclosed in braces is a single statement. Your objection does suggest another solution I forgot to put in—ban arbitrarily complex expressions. Then statements are of bounded length and have no need to span multiple lines. The obvious example for a language that makes this choice is assembly.
What happens if a statement is a part of an expression, in an inline anonymous function? Where should we place semicolons or line breaks then?
You could ban inline anonymous functions, or require them to be a single expression. You could implement half of Lisp as named functions that are building blocks for your “single expression” anonymous functions, so this doesn’t necessarily lose expressive power.
As a half-good answer, I would go with the early VB syntax
That Microsoft changed it is weak evidence against it—it suggests that people really don’t like having to add that extra symbol. There is that ambiguity problem, though. (Javascript’s rule* technically requires an arbitrarily large amount of lookahead—I think the modern VB rule is more sane from a compiler perspective, but can still have annoying consequences)
Your “other half-good answer” isn’t really very distinct from the first: the half-tab takes the role of the special symbol; it being at the beginning of the line just changes how you specify the grammar. (Vim scripting is an example of an existing language that uses a symbol at the beginning of a line for continuations) It also creates an extra burden (even compared to current whitespace-sensitive languages like Python) to maintain the indentation correctly. In particular, it forbids you from adding lots of extra indentation to, for example, line up the second part of a statement with a similar element on the first line (think making a C-style function call, then indenting subsequent lines to the point where the opening bracket of the argument list was. Or indenting to the opening bracket of the innermost still-open group in general.)
*Technical note: Javascript’s rule is “put in a semicolon if leaving it out leads to a syntax error”. VB’s rule is, more or less, “continue the statement if ending it at the linebreak leads to a syntax error”. In general, this will lead to Javascript continuing statements in unexpected places, and will lead to VB terminating statements in unexpected places.
Because a statement is the fundamental unit of an imperative language.
I don’t believe this is true, at least not for the usual sense of “statement”, which is “code with side effects which, unlike an expression, has no type (not even unit/void) and does not evaluate to a value”.
You can easily make a language with no statements, just expressions. As an example, start with C. Remove the semicolon and replace all uses of it with the comma operator. You may need to adjust the semantics very slightly to compensate (I can’t say where offhand).
Presto, you have a statement-less language that looks quite functional: everything (other than definitions) is an expression (i.e. has a type and yields a value), and every program corresponds to the evaluation of a nested tree of expressions (rather than the execution of a sequence of statements).
Yet, the expressions have side effects upon evaluation, there is global shared mutable state, there are variables, there is a strict and well-defined eager order of evaluation—all the semantics of C are intact. Calling this a non-imperative language would be a matter of definition, I guess, but there’s no substantial difference between real C and this subset of it.
Because a statement is the fundamental unit of an imperative language.
So the question “what kind of language are we trying to make?” must be answered before “what syntax would make it most legible?”.
Assuming an imperative language, the simplest solution would be one command per line, no exceptions. There is a scrollbar at the bottom; or you can split a long line into more lines by using temporary variables.
No syntax can make all programs legible. A good syntax is without exceptions and without unnecessary clutter. But if the user decides to write programs horribly, nothing can stop them.
An important choice is whether you make formatting significant (Python-style) or not. Making formatting significant has an advantage that you would probably format your code anyway, so the formatting can carry some information that does not have to be written explicitly, e.g. by curly brackets. But people will complain that in some situations a possibility to use their own formatting would be better. You probably can’t make everyone happy.
I’m not sure. I think being able to model the computer’s actions in your head is something of a requirement to be a good programmer. If people who use (a hypothetical completed) subtext learn to do that more rapidly, then great. If instead they learn to just barely cobble something together without really understanding what is going on, I think that would be a net negative (I don’t want those people writing my bank’s software). I’m not sure which is the likely outcome.
Or maybe I’m conflicted because I am a computer programmer, and subconsciously either don’t want more competition or feel that anyone learning programming should have to put as much effort into it as I did.
But actually, if you managed to write a crappy life simulator, you can probably be a programmer. It takes practice to be good, like anything else. But if you don’t enjoy the process of practicing at programming (it sounds like you don’t), then you probably wouldn’t enjoy being a programmer, either.
Programming languages that make programming easier are a good goal. Problem is, there are too many languages that make programming of simple programs easier, and programming of complex programs more difficult. The language is optimized for doing a specific set of tasks, and if you walk outside that set, you are damned. (Although the authors will assure you that everything can be done by their language, it’s just a bit inconvenient.)
Things appealing to beginning programmers are often appealing for the wrong reasons. For example “you don’t have to write semicolons after each statements” or “you don’t have to declare variables”. Ouch! I agree that not having to write semicolons is convenient, but at the same time I think “if having to write a semicolon after each statement is such a big deal for you, I can’t imagine you as a successful programmer”, because although writing semicolons is boring task, cognitively it’s trivial; it can make people annoyed, but it can’t stop them from being able to program. If someone is not able to remember that each statement must be followed by a semicolon, I can’t imagine them doing anything non-trivial.
With visual languages it’s probably similar. Painting a simple loop as a picture makes it more transparent. Painting the whole algorithm, not so much. Only if we split the code into simple functions (which is anyway the right thing to do). But then we have to give names to those functions, and we are gradually switching back from the picture mode to the text mode.
Assuming it was not written in a visual programming language optimized for creating life-like simulators, nor it was created by a wizard for creating life-like simulators, I agree.
That’s the danger of many “easy” programming languages. They make only one specific task easy, and then use it as a proof that they made programming easy. Nope, they only made programming of that one specific task easy.
Agreed. But this problem can be avoided by embedding such domain-specific languages inside a general-purpose language. Then writing simple programs (for some definition of “simple”) is still fairly easy, because the DSL can be implemented with a one-time cost in complexity. However, coding complex programs is still feasible.
Visual representations of programs are interesting in their own right, because they allow reasoning about some program properties in very intuitive ways (depending on the representation, this may be syntax, data flow, control flow, data representation, etc.). However, it is probably the case that there is no single “best” visual representation for programs, and thus no such thing as a one-size-fits-all “visual programming language”.
Or by making a really convenient library for a general-purpose language. Although the language puts some limits on how convenient the library can be.
But I suspect one probably makes more money selling a new programming language than selling a library.
Or by making a really convenient DSL factory. The only use for your “general purpose” language would be to write DSLs. A bit extreme, but it shows some promise. Current results suggest this approach uses 3 orders of magnitude less code than current systems —possibly even less.
The effects of such visual flowering is greater than one might think, especially on beginners. Once you grok the concept of instruction, block, and nesting, you barely see the curly brackets (or the “begin” and “end” keyword) and the semicolons. A bit like a Lisp programmer that don’t “see” the parentheses any more.
Beginners are more sensitive. The cognitive load you call trivial is probably significant to them, because they still think in ACII instead of AST. In the ASCII world, a semicolon or a bracket takes about as cognitively loaded as any other keyword. Indentation, not so much.
Now one could see it as a test. I wonder if the ability to think through unhelpful syntax would be a good predictor of future success?
I hate writing “begin” and “end” in Pascal, because these words take too much of the screen space, and also visually pattern-match with identifiers. I think Pascal would be 50% more legible if it replaced “begin” and “end” with curly brackets. So I guess removing the semicolons and curly brackets is also an improvement in legibility.
Still, maybe the beginners are trying to move forward too fast. Maybe a lot of problems come from trying to run before one is able to walk reliably. When children learn mathematics, they have to solve dozens of “2+3=?” problems before they move to something more complex. When learning programming, students should also solve dozens of one-line or two-line problems before they move on. But there is often not enough time in the curriculum.
What would you replace the semicolon with?
There are a few obvious answers: One is to simply not allow multiple statements on the same visual line (even if they are closely related and idiomatic). Another is to define the semicolon (or equivalent) as a separator, with the side effect that you can no longer have a single statement split across multiple visual lines. Another is to, along with the ‘separator’ solution, add an additional symbol for splitting long statements across multiple visual lines—as in earlier Visual Basic. And yet another option is to have a separator and “guess” whether they meant a line break to end a statement or not—as in Javascript and modern Visual Basic.
You can also mix approaches: optional semicolons, but use indentation to guess if it’s the same instruction or not. That way:
This should be flexible enough and unambiguous enough.
In Python, you are supposed to write a colon before you start a block, right?
So the rules can be rather simple:
colon, with indentation = start of a new block
colon, no indentation = an empty block (or a syntax error)
no colon, with indentation = continuing of the previous line
no colon, no indentation = next statement
semicolon = statement boundary
Block ends where the indentation returns to the level of the line that opened the block. Continued line ends when indentation returns to the level of the starting line. (Where “to the level” = to the level, or below the level.)
I spent a lot of time thinking about this, and now it seems to me that this is a wrong question. The right question is: “how to make the best legible language?” Maybe it will require some changes to the concept of “statement”.
Why one statement plus one statement makes two statements, but one expression plus one expression makes one expression; why “x=1; y=1;” is two units, but “(x == 1) && (y == 1)” is one unit? What happens if a statement is a part of an expression, in an inline anonymous function? Where should we place semicolons or line breaks then?
Sorry, I don’t have a good answer. As a half-good answer, I would go with the early VB syntax: the rule is unambiguous (unlike some JavaScript rules), and it requires a special symbol in a special situation (as opposed to using a special symbol in non-special situation).
Another half-good answer: use four-space tabs for “this is the next statement” and a half-tab (two spaces) for “here continues the previous line”. (If the statement has more than two lines, all the lines except the first one are aligned the same; the half-tabs don’t accumulate.)
Because a statement is the fundamental unit of an imperative language. If “x=1; y=1;” were one unit, it would be one statement. Technically, on another level, multiple statements enclosed in braces is a single statement. Your objection does suggest another solution I forgot to put in—ban arbitrarily complex expressions. Then statements are of bounded length and have no need to span multiple lines. The obvious example for a language that makes this choice is assembly.
You could ban inline anonymous functions, or require them to be a single expression. You could implement half of Lisp as named functions that are building blocks for your “single expression” anonymous functions, so this doesn’t necessarily lose expressive power.
That Microsoft changed it is weak evidence against it—it suggests that people really don’t like having to add that extra symbol. There is that ambiguity problem, though. (Javascript’s rule* technically requires an arbitrarily large amount of lookahead—I think the modern VB rule is more sane from a compiler perspective, but can still have annoying consequences)
Your “other half-good answer” isn’t really very distinct from the first: the half-tab takes the role of the special symbol; it being at the beginning of the line just changes how you specify the grammar. (Vim scripting is an example of an existing language that uses a symbol at the beginning of a line for continuations) It also creates an extra burden (even compared to current whitespace-sensitive languages like Python) to maintain the indentation correctly. In particular, it forbids you from adding lots of extra indentation to, for example, line up the second part of a statement with a similar element on the first line (think making a C-style function call, then indenting subsequent lines to the point where the opening bracket of the argument list was. Or indenting to the opening bracket of the innermost still-open group in general.)
*Technical note: Javascript’s rule is “put in a semicolon if leaving it out leads to a syntax error”. VB’s rule is, more or less, “continue the statement if ending it at the linebreak leads to a syntax error”. In general, this will lead to Javascript continuing statements in unexpected places, and will lead to VB terminating statements in unexpected places.
I don’t believe this is true, at least not for the usual sense of “statement”, which is “code with side effects which, unlike an expression, has no type (not even unit/void) and does not evaluate to a value”.
You can easily make a language with no statements, just expressions. As an example, start with C. Remove the semicolon and replace all uses of it with the comma operator. You may need to adjust the semantics very slightly to compensate (I can’t say where offhand).
Presto, you have a statement-less language that looks quite functional: everything (other than definitions) is an expression (i.e. has a type and yields a value), and every program corresponds to the evaluation of a nested tree of expressions (rather than the execution of a sequence of statements).
Yet, the expressions have side effects upon evaluation, there is global shared mutable state, there are variables, there is a strict and well-defined eager order of evaluation—all the semantics of C are intact. Calling this a non-imperative language would be a matter of definition, I guess, but there’s no substantial difference between real C and this subset of it.
So the question “what kind of language are we trying to make?” must be answered before “what syntax would make it most legible?”.
Assuming an imperative language, the simplest solution would be one command per line, no exceptions. There is a scrollbar at the bottom; or you can split a long line into more lines by using temporary variables.
No syntax can make all programs legible. A good syntax is without exceptions and without unnecessary clutter. But if the user decides to write programs horribly, nothing can stop them.
An important choice is whether you make formatting significant (Python-style) or not. Making formatting significant has an advantage that you would probably format your code anyway, so the formatting can carry some information that does not have to be written explicitly, e.g. by curly brackets. But people will complain that in some situations a possibility to use their own formatting would be better. You probably can’t make everyone happy.
I think you stated my thoughts better than I did.