Wish I could upvote this more than once. This kind of project is immensely valuable to the community. There really needs to be more rationality art. I wish you the best of luck
I greatly hope you’ll actually pull of making this more than a message, a game is just about the only media that could potentially increase someone rationality DIRECTLY rather than just talking about it and suggesting things to do themselves, by making the gameplay itself fundamentally require rationality and training up all those 5-second-level skills.
I wish I could help with this somehow, I’ve quite a few times tried to boot up rationalist art projects but I just don’t have the kind of personality to be the driving force behind things, being just able to help on the side with someone else’s project would be a nice change of pace. But it looks like you’re some kind of company so that’d probably bring all sorts of messes.
Wish I could upvote this more than once. This kind of project is immensely valuable to the community. There really needs to be more rationality art. I wish you the best of luck
I greatly hope you’ll actually pull of making this more than a message, a game is just about the only media that could potentially increase someone rationality DIRECTLY rather than just talking about it and suggesting things to do themselves, by making the gameplay itself fundamentally require rationality and training up all those 5-second-level skills.
I wish I could help with this somehow, I’ve quite a few times tried to boot up rationalist art projects but I just don’t have the kind of personality to be the driving force behind things, being just able to help on the side with someone else’s project would be a nice change of pace. But it looks like you’re some kind of company so that’d probably bring all sorts of messes.