This line of inquiry is very weird. To address this you’d have to define what you mean by “magic”. I believe in this community they call this the “TabbooGame”. It’s a game where you tabboo the word “magic”.
After you tabboo the word magic, then you’re just asking if it’s possible for laws of physics to exist where you dress as a wizard and wave sticks. It’s definitely not possible in our world because I tried and never got any superpowers (damn!!). It’s “possible” but it’s very lazy for a law of physics for something so complex as dressing as a wizard and waving sticks to exist. [slander against anime and Harry Potter].
Also, I have never heard of a magic system where the magic depends on wearing wizard robes. It’s true that wizards are associated with robes, but there’s no law of physics which connects robes and spells any more than there is one which connects white coats and being a doctor.
This line of inquiry is very weird. To address this you’d have to define what you mean by “magic”. I believe in this community they call this the “TabbooGame”. It’s a game where you tabboo the word “magic”.
After you tabboo the word magic, then you’re just asking if it’s possible for laws of physics to exist where you dress as a wizard and wave sticks. It’s definitely not possible in our world because I tried and never got any superpowers (damn!!). It’s “possible” but it’s very lazy for a law of physics for something so complex as dressing as a wizard and waving sticks to exist. [slander against anime and Harry Potter].
Downmodded for the gratuitous anime slam.
Also, I have never heard of a magic system where the magic depends on wearing wizard robes. It’s true that wizards are associated with robes, but there’s no law of physics which connects robes and spells any more than there is one which connects white coats and being a doctor.
I put on my robe and wizard hat… X-D
Most children trying to do the same proof you did would get the same result in the Harry Potter universe. It’s fairly bad as far as a proof goes.