Fantasise about brutally murdering the abusers. You’ll probably feel a lot better once you’re done, and child abusers are a socially acceptable target for all the hate you feel like mustering.
That just transforms it into the problem of “How do I stop fantasizing about murder so much?” or worse yet “How do I get this stain out of the carpet?”
If it’s still fresh, scrubbing it under cold running water is the right way; carbonated water is even better, so if you’ve got some in your fridge you’re in luck. If it dried up, you will need to be patient and work on it with a lot of lightly soapy water (ideally Marseille or Aleppo soap) and some kind of bleach; washing soda or a 5% solution of oxalyc acid or hydrogen peroxide are good choices, although the latter are more likely to fade the colour.
Exception: if it’s a 100% synthetic carpet you’re in luck, since warm water will work perfectly (but make sure it’s your case, otherwise with organic materials warm water will make the blood clot).
What do people think of “Planning a Rational Murder” as a discussion topic?
Note: You should probably not actually try to make murder easier in general by posting rational methods of committing murder, to say nothing of actually murdering anyone.
What do people think of “Planning a Rational Murder” as a discussion topic?
Very strongly opposed. Promoting rationalism on the question of whether to commit murder is fine (the answer is pretty much always no). Promoting rationalism on how to commit murder is bad, as in directly harmful to humanity; and if such a conversation started here, I would support deleting or sabotaging it.
Actually, that wasn’t my interpretation at all (that possibility didn’t really cross my mind). I was thinking more of unintended audiences—ie, third parties who might find it from search engines.
I would not be worried about people looking for instructions on how to murder someone nearly as much as I would be worried about officials who could find it.
Given our lack of experience or research, I do not think we could give very useful pointers. (I hope...)
Fantasise about brutally murdering the abusers. You’ll probably feel a lot better once you’re done, and child abusers are a socially acceptable target for all the hate you feel like mustering.
That just transforms it into the problem of “How do I stop fantasizing about murder so much?” or worse yet “How do I get this stain out of the carpet?”
If it’s still fresh, scrubbing it under cold running water is the right way; carbonated water is even better, so if you’ve got some in your fridge you’re in luck. If it dried up, you will need to be patient and work on it with a lot of lightly soapy water (ideally Marseille or Aleppo soap) and some kind of bleach; washing soda or a 5% solution of oxalyc acid or hydrogen peroxide are good choices, although the latter are more likely to fade the colour.
Exception: if it’s a 100% synthetic carpet you’re in luck, since warm water will work perfectly (but make sure it’s your case, otherwise with organic materials warm water will make the blood clot).
What do people think of “Planning a Rational Murder” as a discussion topic?
Note: You should probably not actually try to make murder easier in general by posting rational methods of committing murder, to say nothing of actually murdering anyone.
Step 1: Sign up for cryonics.
Step 2: Sign up your friends for cryonics.
Step 3: Don’t tell your target about cryonics.
Step 4: Wait.
Step 5: Profit!
Very strongly opposed. Promoting rationalism on the question of whether to commit murder is fine (the answer is pretty much always no). Promoting rationalism on how to commit murder is bad, as in directly harmful to humanity; and if such a conversation started here, I would support deleting or sabotaging it.
Fun fact: my reply to CuSithBell was an intentional effort to sabotage this conversation before it began by reframing it as a joke.
I interpreted the topic as a joke before I even joined in! I apologize if I did not make this sufficiently clear.
Yeah—I think it’s safe to say that the illusion of transparency has struck again.
Oh well. To be clear to future generations: generally speaking, murder is one of those things you shouldn’t do even if you should.
Unless, you REALLY want to.
In which case you definitely shouldn’t!
I suggest your estimate of whether my post was intended to solicit murder advice was overly high.
Actually, that wasn’t my interpretation at all (that possibility didn’t really cross my mind). I was thinking more of unintended audiences—ie, third parties who might find it from search engines.
Ah! That seems more sensible.
I would not be worried about people looking for instructions on how to murder someone nearly as much as I would be worried about officials who could find it.
Given our lack of experience or research, I do not think we could give very useful pointers. (I hope...)
What, no mention of the miracle that is hydrogen peroxide?
Uhm, it’s right there at the end of the first paragraph.
My bad. Missed it.
My bad. Missed it.