it may be net-harmful to create a social environment where people believe their “good intentions” will be met with intense suspicion.
The picture I get of Chinese culture from their fiction makes me think China is kinda like this. A recurrent trope was “If you do some good deeds, like offering free medicine to the poor, and don’t do a perfect job, like treating everyone who says they can’t afford medicine, then everyone will castigate you for only wanting to seem good. So don’t do good.” Another recurrent trope was “it’s dumb, even wrong, to be a hero/you should be a villain.” (One annoying variant is “kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your allies”, which is used to justify pointless cruelty.) I always assumed this was a cultural anti-body formed in response to communists doing terrible things in the name of the common good.
The picture I get of Chinese culture from their fiction makes me think China is kinda like this. A recurrent trope was “If you do some good deeds, like offering free medicine to the poor, and don’t do a perfect job, like treating everyone who says they can’t afford medicine, then everyone will castigate you for only wanting to seem good. So don’t do good.” Another recurrent trope was “it’s dumb, even wrong, to be a hero/you should be a villain.” (One annoying variant is “kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your allies”, which is used to justify pointless cruelty.) I always assumed this was a cultural anti-body formed in response to communists doing terrible things in the name of the common good.