It wouldn’t surprise me if strong preferences for existence, consciousness, and personal identity are partly physiologically based. And I mean fairly simple physiology, like neurotransmitter balance.
This doesn’t mean they should be changed.
It does occur to me that I’ve been trying to upgrade my gusto level by a combination of willpower and beating up on myself, and this has made things a lot worse.
It wouldn’t surprise me if strong preferences for existence, consciousness, and personal identity are partly physiologically based. And I mean fairly simple physiology, like neurotransmitter balance.
This doesn’t mean they should be changed.
It does occur to me that I’ve been trying to upgrade my gusto level by a combination of willpower and beating up on myself, and this has made things a lot worse.
Did pjeby write a post against willpower? I think willpower is overrated. Cognitive behavioral therapy is better.