Most people have very short timelines when thinking about the issue. To the extend we can think in larger timelines and people read LW because we gave good information in the past, it’s worthwhile to continue providing valuable information.
Analysis question such as whether we should do more humidity control and if so what humanity we should target seem to be still completely unexplored.
The question of how to reduce the regulatory bottlenecks on vaccine production seems to have high potential returns.
Analysis of whether or not talking/singing is an important vector for infection seems to be important to get right.
Most people have very short timelines when thinking about the issue. To the extend we can think in larger timelines and people read LW because we gave good information in the past, it’s worthwhile to continue providing valuable information.
Analysis question such as whether we should do more humidity control and if so what humanity we should target seem to be still completely unexplored.
The question of how to reduce the regulatory bottlenecks on vaccine production seems to have high potential returns.
Analysis of whether or not talking/singing is an important vector for infection seems to be important to get right.
Somehow I didn’t finish the sentence and didn’t reread it before posting. I fixed it.