I was thinking of starting a sequence of articles summarizing Heuristics and Biases by Kahneman and Tversky for people who don’t want to buy or read the book.
I bought it, and it seems like something like this would help make me actually stick through reading it long enough to make me finish it. And make it more memorable.
Would people want that?
Edit: I guess the answer is Yes. I should make time for this.
Wikipedia has the “Simple English” version, maybe there could be a similar parallel version of the LessWrong wiki? Although I find reading the Simple English Wikipedia a rather mind-numbing experience.
I was thinking of starting a sequence of articles summarizing Heuristics and Biases by Kahneman and Tversky for people who don’t want to buy or read the book.
I bought it, and it seems like something like this would help make me actually stick through reading it long enough to make me finish it. And make it more memorable.
Would people want that?
Edit: I guess the answer is Yes. I should make time for this.
Wikipedia has the “Simple English” version, maybe there could be a similar parallel version of the LessWrong wiki? Although I find reading the Simple English Wikipedia a rather mind-numbing experience.
Are you familar with youarenotsosmart.com? It might be more what you’re looking for.
It would be fun, but I’m not sure how memorable it would be. Maybe do them as jokes?
Couldn’t hurt to do as a recap though.
Like, weighty and burned into my brain in a way that makes it a part of my natural reaction to things.
I guess if they were short enough to memorize the list though, I could just memorize it and go through it when I was worried about a bias.
No, but I associate it with length.
Like, I’m normally more affected by novels than blog posts.
By all means :-) Links to relevant Sequences articles should be achievable as well.
Yeah. I intend to use existing material whenever appropriate.
IIRC, there are quite a few articles on specific cognitive biases floating around here already, they’re just not well indexed.
You may find this site interesting as well.
Thanks, this is really helpful.
EDIT: Would it make sense to just try and get this guy to post on LW himself?
Have we ever tried to do that before?
Please do this.