I liked this post, but found the beginning confusing because levels 1 and 2 sounded impossible as described: “You could intervene at the level of the child’s individual thoughts”—I don’t have access to other people’s thoughts so I can’t intervene at this level; it is only at level 3 where I start getting direct information about the phenomenon that I’m supposed to modify. So I was confused about whether I should think about this as a real-world analogy or as some purely philosophical thought experiment where I have mind-reading powers.
The second section helped clear up my confusion since it explained that intervening on the first level means trying to get the children to police theirown thoughts, rather than me directly intervening on them.
I liked this post, but found the beginning confusing because levels 1 and 2 sounded impossible as described: “You could intervene at the level of the child’s individual thoughts”—I don’t have access to other people’s thoughts so I can’t intervene at this level; it is only at level 3 where I start getting direct information about the phenomenon that I’m supposed to modify. So I was confused about whether I should think about this as a real-world analogy or as some purely philosophical thought experiment where I have mind-reading powers.
The second section helped clear up my confusion since it explained that intervening on the first level means trying to get the children to police their own thoughts, rather than me directly intervening on them.