I think you’re selling yourself a bit short here. You say that you ‘only dropped the Nightmare due to Maxwell Peterson’ - but Maxwell himself included the Nightmare on his PVP team!
Only two people submitted PVP teams without the Nightmare on them. One of them was you, and the other was using an analysis he didn’t understand that led to him including Oil Ooze on his team for no reason he can discern even after the fact. (Sorry, simon).
If you managed to read through other people’s findings and get more use out of them than those people themselves did, I think that leads to a well-deserved victory.
Feedback: I’m biased because I won, but I had a great time. This was very approachable even for a complete beginner, while still having sneaky hidden tricks.
I legitimately did not expect to do that well.
If I have done better than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of, uh, ogres at least.
I’ve gotten two morals from this. The good moral is ‘Even if you have no idea what is going on, you can still data science at something.’
The bad moral is ‘When in doubt, crib other people’s notes (only be sure always to call it please ‘research’).′
I think you’re selling yourself a bit short here. You say that you ‘only dropped the Nightmare due to Maxwell Peterson’ - but Maxwell himself included the Nightmare on his PVP team!
Only two people submitted PVP teams without the Nightmare on them. One of them was you, and the other was using an analysis he didn’t understand that led to him including Oil Ooze on his team for no reason he can discern even after the fact. (Sorry, simon).
If you managed to read through other people’s findings and get more use out of them than those people themselves did, I think that leads to a well-deserved victory.
Feedback: I’m biased because I won, but I had a great time. This was very approachable even for a complete beginner, while still having sneaky hidden tricks.