True, under the assumption that the weasels are selected only by the threshold test. Actually, since time immemorial red weasels program in Fortran and C++ is thought to be a blue weasel domain. Therefore few red weasels actually plan to be hired as a C++ programmer, only those who are extraordinarily apt apply for such a job. As a coincidence, among the weasels who apply the average C++ ability is significantly higher withing the red subset.
True, under the assumption that the weasels are selected only by the threshold test. Actually, since time immemorial red weasels program in Fortran and C++ is thought to be a blue weasel domain. Therefore few red weasels actually plan to be hired as a C++ programmer, only those who are extraordinarily apt apply for such a job. As a coincidence, among the weasels who apply the average C++ ability is significantly higher withing the red subset.