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Why is there this stereotype that the more you can make rocket ships, the more likely you are to break down crying if the social rules about when and how you are allowed to make rocket ships are ambiguous?
This is likely sufficiently explained by the principle component of human mindspace stretching from mechanistic cognition to mentalistic cognition, does not need more explanations (https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/12/11/diametrical-model-of-autism-and-schizophrenia/)
Also I think there are multiple stereotypes of very smart people: eg Feynman or Einstein
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Why is there this stereotype that the more you can make rocket ships, the more likely you are to break down crying if the social rules about when and how you are allowed to make rocket ships are ambiguous?
This is likely sufficiently explained by the principle component of human mindspace stretching from mechanistic cognition to mentalistic cognition, does not need more explanations (https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/12/11/diametrical-model-of-autism-and-schizophrenia/)
Also I think there are multiple stereotypes of very smart people: eg Feynman or Einstein