It’s interesting to think about the review effort in this light. (Also, material about doing group rationality stuff can fit in with timeless content, but less in a oneshot way.)
The review has definitely had an effect on me looking at new posts, and thinking “which of these would I feel good about including in a Best of the Year Book?” as well as “which of these would I feel good about including in an actual textbook?
This post is sort of on the edge of “timeless enough that I think it’d be fine for the 2020 Review”, but I’m not sure whether it’s quite distilled enough to fit nicely into, say, the 2021 edition of “the LessWrong Textbook.” (this isn’t necessarily a complaint about the post, just noting that different posts can be optimized for different things)
It’s interesting to think about the review effort in this light. (Also, material about doing group rationality stuff can fit in with timeless content, but less in a oneshot way.)
The review has definitely had an effect on me looking at new posts, and thinking “which of these would I feel good about including in a Best of the Year Book?” as well as “which of these would I feel good about including in an actual textbook?
This post is sort of on the edge of “timeless enough that I think it’d be fine for the 2020 Review”, but I’m not sure whether it’s quite distilled enough to fit nicely into, say, the 2021 edition of “the LessWrong Textbook.” (this isn’t necessarily a complaint about the post, just noting that different posts can be optimized for different things)