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I wonder what “O(n) performance” is supposed to mean, if anything?
Wait, this AGI is just wearing a person as a sock-puppet/love-interest? I hope the dynamics of those relationships/Vi’s motivations are fleshed out more.
Wait, this AGI is just wearing a person as a sock-puppet/love-interest?
It might be worse. Vi might be a meatbop from Rudy Rucker’s Ware Tetralogy, which would make of Caesar also the first cheeseball. Hmm...
Reminds me of the similar scene in the movie “her.”
Also a scene in Bladerunner 20-blah-blah.
“A PP-based AGI would be devilishly difficult to align”
Is this an actual belief or a handwavy plot device? If it’s the first, I’m curious about the arguments
Arbitrary data compression is equivalent to cryptography.
Um, no?
I wonder what “O(n) performance” is supposed to mean, if anything?
Wait, this AGI is just wearing a person as a sock-puppet/love-interest? I hope the dynamics of those relationships/Vi’s motivations are fleshed out more.
It might be worse. Vi might be a meatbop from Rudy Rucker’s Ware Tetralogy, which would make of Caesar also the first cheeseball. Hmm...
Reminds me of the similar scene in the movie “her.”
Also a scene in Bladerunner 20-blah-blah.
“A PP-based AGI would be devilishly difficult to align”
Is this an actual belief or a handwavy plot device? If it’s the first, I’m curious about the arguments
Um, no?