As soon as I graduated with a CS degree I realized I should have been in philosophy the whole time.
This matches my experience. I was a CS major for a bit but ended up graduating with a degree in philosophy. It was much more relevant, even to working in computing.
Thirded. I completed half of my degree in CS before switching to Philosophy. I’m finding it significantly more stimulating. I don’t think I learned anything in my CS classes that I couldn’t easily have taught myself (and had more fun doing so).
This matches my experience. I was a CS major for a bit but ended up graduating with a degree in philosophy. It was much more relevant, even to working in computing.
Thirded. I completed half of my degree in CS before switching to Philosophy. I’m finding it significantly more stimulating. I don’t think I learned anything in my CS classes that I couldn’t easily have taught myself (and had more fun doing so).