With regards to your skydiving example, how about you be a good chap and link the appropriate lesswrong description for ludicrously weak analogy.
I don’t believe there is one. Also, it’s on the strong side as analogies go—it’s a risky behavior that is a lot of fun, specifically from going very fast. What would be a better analogy, going fast in speedboats?
Third, one third of american teenage deaths are in motor vehicles.
Maybe I’m misreading, but it looks to me like a little over 35%. That said, I don’t see how it’s relevant. If one teenager died every 20 years and 1⁄3 of them were in motor vehicles, would that imply anything? How does the 1⁄3 of deaths relate to anything about proper analysis of risks, and is anything similar implied by the 13% that die from homicide? Should teens stop going to places where there are other humans, even though it’s enjoyable, because someone there might kill them?
I don’t believe there is one. Also, it’s on the strong side as analogies go—it’s a risky behavior that is a lot of fun, specifically from going very fast. What would be a better analogy, going fast in speedboats?
Maybe I’m misreading, but it looks to me like a little over 35%. That said, I don’t see how it’s relevant. If one teenager died every 20 years and 1⁄3 of them were in motor vehicles, would that imply anything? How does the 1⁄3 of deaths relate to anything about proper analysis of risks, and is anything similar implied by the 13% that die from homicide? Should teens stop going to places where there are other humans, even though it’s enjoyable, because someone there might kill them?