I hate changing my mind based on my parents’ advice because I want to demonstrate that I’m capable of making good decisions on my own, especially since we seem to disagree on some fundamental values. Specifically, they love their jobs and put a moral value on productivity, while my goal in life is to “work” as little as possible and have as much “fun” as possible.
I hate changing my mind based on my parents’ advice because I want to demonstrate that I’m capable of making good decisions on my own...
Eliezer never said to change your mind based on wrong advice! However, if you feel as if you should be following your parents’ advice, perhaps you should question exactly how capable you really are (at the moment).
I hate changing my mind based on my parents’ advice because I want to demonstrate that I’m capable of making good decisions on my own, especially since we seem to disagree on some fundamental values. Specifically, they love their jobs and put a moral value on productivity, while my goal in life is to “work” as little as possible and have as much “fun” as possible.
Eliezer never said to change your mind based on wrong advice! However, if you feel as if you should be following your parents’ advice, perhaps you should question exactly how capable you really are (at the moment).