Why not have the state allow people to pay non-government agencies to enforce contracts the government does not wish to.
State monopoly on legitimate violence is a Schelling point for all modern states, both autocracies and democracies. If you break it up, the problem of distributing the right to use violence so that it wouldn’t just lead to tyrannies and chaos must practically be solved from scratch for the modern world.
De facto states do not have monopoly on violence. Also de jure private security firms do have some room for violence.
Also there is the minor issues of Government being this huge amorphous blob, that agents and institutions should have access to violence if and only if they belong to this strange set doesn’t seem like necessarily something that helps to prevent tyrannies and chaos.
Also choosing between many small tyrannies and one big one I see good pro-liberty arguments for the former.
State monopoly on legitimate violence is a Schelling point for all modern states, both autocracies and democracies. If you break it up, the problem of distributing the right to use violence so that it wouldn’t just lead to tyrannies and chaos must practically be solved from scratch for the modern world.
De facto states do not have monopoly on violence. Also de jure private security firms do have some room for violence.
Also there is the minor issues of Government being this huge amorphous blob, that agents and institutions should have access to violence if and only if they belong to this strange set doesn’t seem like necessarily something that helps to prevent tyrannies and chaos.
Also choosing between many small tyrannies and one big one I see good pro-liberty arguments for the former.
De jure security firms are specifically licensed for the violence that they do.