Upon some reflection, the reason I liked Luminosity less on second reading seems to be at least partly that the protagonist started as a relative underdog (sympathetic) and ended up as dominant authority, one effective in their dominance to an oppressive degree, enforcing her ideas on everything and everyone. This moved me out of “yay, rationalist fiction, let’s get into it from the pov of the protagonist” into a third person view… from which I started noticing how freakin’ obnoxious rationalist!Bella is. Poor Edward.
Haven’t read it, putting it on my list now.
Upon some reflection, the reason I liked Luminosity less on second reading seems to be at least partly that the protagonist started as a relative underdog (sympathetic) and ended up as dominant authority, one effective in their dominance to an oppressive degree, enforcing her ideas on everything and everyone. This moved me out of “yay, rationalist fiction, let’s get into it from the pov of the protagonist” into a third person view… from which I started noticing how freakin’ obnoxious rationalist!Bella is. Poor Edward.