I don’t think there’s much I can do; I’m sort of planning to get into alignment research someday but that will take a long time since I’m not already a math/compsci PhD, plus I have many other issues with my life that need sorting out. The “delay by way of outreach/advocacy” discourse is interesting and I may or may not be able to do some theorycrafting about those topics, since I sometimes theorycraft about politics for fun.
I may or may not be able to do some theorycrafting about those topics, since I sometimes theorycraft about politics for fun
It would be great if you find the time and energy to pursue this, but also makes sense to try to sort out any other issues in your life, as it’s much harder to make progress when things are weighing you down.
I don’t think there’s much I can do; I’m sort of planning to get into alignment research someday but that will take a long time since I’m not already a math/compsci PhD, plus I have many other issues with my life that need sorting out. The “delay by way of outreach/advocacy” discourse is interesting and I may or may not be able to do some theorycrafting about those topics, since I sometimes theorycraft about politics for fun.
It would be great if you find the time and energy to pursue this, but also makes sense to try to sort out any other issues in your life, as it’s much harder to make progress when things are weighing you down.