Doug S., I agree on principle, but disagree on your particular example because it is not statistical in nature. Should we not be hugging the query “Is the argument sound?” If a random monkey typed up a third identical argument and put it in the envelope, it’s just as true. The difference between this and the a medical trial is that we have an independent means to verify the truth. Argument screens off Methodology...
If evidence is collected in violation of the fourth amendment rights of the accused, it’s inadmissable in court, yes, but that doesn’t mean that, ceteris paribus, the prosecution KNOWS LESS than if it were obtained legally.
So, when do I start agreeing with you? Here: The problem lies in the fact that the two trial methodologies create different sorts of Everett branches. The fact that the methodologies differed is ITSELF a piece of evidence which the esteemed Mr. Yudkosky doesn’t appear to have room for in this Bayesian analysis. I agree that the relevant post appears to be What Evidence Filtered Evidence?
Doug S., I agree on principle, but disagree on your particular example because it is not statistical in nature. Should we not be hugging the query “Is the argument sound?” If a random monkey typed up a third identical argument and put it in the envelope, it’s just as true. The difference between this and the a medical trial is that we have an independent means to verify the truth. Argument screens off Methodology...
If evidence is collected in violation of the fourth amendment rights of the accused, it’s inadmissable in court, yes, but that doesn’t mean that, ceteris paribus, the prosecution KNOWS LESS than if it were obtained legally.
So, when do I start agreeing with you? Here: The problem lies in the fact that the two trial methodologies create different sorts of Everett branches. The fact that the methodologies differed is ITSELF a piece of evidence which the esteemed Mr. Yudkosky doesn’t appear to have room for in this Bayesian analysis. I agree that the relevant post appears to be What Evidence Filtered Evidence?
If there is evidence of the researcher’s private thoughts, they aren’t private.
In the hypothetical situation, an outside observer wouldn’t know that the methodologies are different.
You’re right to suspect that there probably would be evidence that the methodologies differed in a realistic scenario.