I agree that the crazy idea thread could benefit from some more focus. I think the poster of the thread could add a topic or specific constraints. I planned to do so but as polymathwannabe posted the thread this month (thank you polymathwannabe!) this didn’t happen. I think it is fully OK to get this thread started with some more unrestricted crazy ideas and later add focus.
Possible constraints:
choose a field (physics, politics, math, engineering...)
choose a idea maturity level (spontaneous, long though about, discussed with other people, …)
in/out of ones field of expertise
level of detail required
@pianoforte611: Could such constraints fix your objections?
After thinking about it some more, I don’t think the problem is that large. This thread will probably continued to be used as a soapbox for a few edgy contrarian ideas, but most of the comments are interesting ideas that I would have never have thought of.
I agree that the crazy idea thread could benefit from some more focus. I think the poster of the thread could add a topic or specific constraints. I planned to do so but as polymathwannabe posted the thread this month (thank you polymathwannabe!) this didn’t happen. I think it is fully OK to get this thread started with some more unrestricted crazy ideas and later add focus.
Possible constraints:
choose a field (physics, politics, math, engineering...)
choose a idea maturity level (spontaneous, long though about, discussed with other people, …)
in/out of ones field of expertise
level of detail required
@pianoforte611: Could such constraints fix your objections?
After thinking about it some more, I don’t think the problem is that large. This thread will probably continued to be used as a soapbox for a few edgy contrarian ideas, but most of the comments are interesting ideas that I would have never have thought of.