I’ve always thought that a site or subreddit simulating the gradual creation of a legal system might be worthwhile. Call it YouBeTheJudge or something similar.
That is, each week you give the readers an incident. Details should look vaguely like Mock Trial, They render judgement, guided only by their own morality. Initially nothing constrains the court, thereafter it is limited only by the precedent that it has established.
Spin off new world any time one world gets too far into the weeds, maybe they are nations and you can do international incidents eventually?
Seems like it might be popular enough to sell to someone eventually. Long shot, but then I’d never have predicted that Epic Rap Battles of History would have succeeded.
This reminds me of the game Nomic wherein the players simply agree on a small set of
Initial rules like {players start with 0 points, player with 100 points wins, in each round each player may introduce a new rule, player that introduces a rule that makes the rule set inconsistent loses, the initial rules may not be changed or invalidated}. I’ve heard that these games can continue for years and result in pretty complex rule systems.
I’ve always thought that a site or subreddit simulating the gradual creation of a legal system might be worthwhile. Call it YouBeTheJudge or something similar.
That is, each week you give the readers an incident. Details should look vaguely like Mock Trial, They render judgement, guided only by their own morality. Initially nothing constrains the court, thereafter it is limited only by the precedent that it has established.
Spin off new world any time one world gets too far into the weeds, maybe they are nations and you can do international incidents eventually?
Seems like it might be popular enough to sell to someone eventually. Long shot, but then I’d never have predicted that Epic Rap Battles of History would have succeeded.
This reminds me of the game Nomic wherein the players simply agree on a small set of Initial rules like {players start with 0 points, player with 100 points wins, in each round each player may introduce a new rule, player that introduces a rule that makes the rule set inconsistent loses, the initial rules may not be changed or invalidated}. I’ve heard that these games can continue for years and result in pretty complex rule systems.
I vote to put this on 4chan X-D