No it won’t. A paperclip maximizer is basically a two-stage process: first, conquer the world, then start producing paperclips via an efficient manufacturing process. If what you want is to turn the whole world into paperclips, and you don’t care about cost or schedule, then the first stage is necessary. If all you want is a billion paperclips as cheap as possible, then it’s entirely irrational to incur the cost and schedule impact of the first stage when you could hop directly to the second stage and just build an efficient paperclip factory.
No it won’t. A paperclip maximizer is basically a two-stage process: first, conquer the world, then start producing paperclips via an efficient manufacturing process. If what you want is to turn the whole world into paperclips, and you don’t care about cost or schedule, then the first stage is necessary. If all you want is a billion paperclips as cheap as possible, then it’s entirely irrational to incur the cost and schedule impact of the first stage when you could hop directly to the second stage and just build an efficient paperclip factory.
Good point. Perhaps it would build a paperclip-making Vonn Neumann machine, or just a machine that maximizes paperclips within a given time.