When you stumble something on Less Wrong you like or post a link to Less Wrong on the greater Internet, post here. You will be rewarded with large amounts of karma and kudos. Also, cake.
Haven’t been Stumbling anything (I may start), but I’ve been sneaking LW links into Reddit comments from time to time. Mostly on /r/atheism when I notice fellow atheists not being as rational as they think they are. (It’s a good place to spread advanced rationality because it’s a group of people who are already mostly trying to be rational, if not always succeeding, or people who at least realize that science and rationality are good ideas. e.g. I’ll link to The Bottom Line if someone’s gotten into a silly Facebook-comment debate and they’ve come asking for help thinking up arguments for a conclusion they’ve already decided. Or when a debate over the definitions of “atheist” and “agnostic” starts up (this happens about fifteen thousand times a day), sometimes I’ll point people to things like Disputing Definitions and other things in the Words sequence. I’ve also been trying to propagandize transhumanism a bit when there’s an opportunity to do so non-obnoxiously/fanatically, e.g. when a discussion of death comes up and the “yes, death is obviously a bad thing” side is underrepresented.)
Haven’t been Stumbling anything (I may start), but I’ve been sneaking LW links into Reddit comments from time to time. Mostly on /r/atheism when I notice fellow atheists not being as rational as they think they are. (It’s a good place to spread advanced rationality because it’s a group of people who are already mostly trying to be rational, if not always succeeding, or people who at least realize that science and rationality are good ideas. e.g. I’ll link to The Bottom Line if someone’s gotten into a silly Facebook-comment debate and they’ve come asking for help thinking up arguments for a conclusion they’ve already decided. Or when a debate over the definitions of “atheist” and “agnostic” starts up (this happens about fifteen thousand times a day), sometimes I’ll point people to things like Disputing Definitions and other things in the Words sequence. I’ve also been trying to propagandize transhumanism a bit when there’s an opportunity to do so non-obnoxiously/fanatically, e.g. when a discussion of death comes up and the “yes, death is obviously a bad thing” side is underrepresented.)
(I can haz caek nao?)
OT As far as I remember, the cake is a lie.